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Global lens: Nuke

 Source:world Views: 【BigSmall】 Time:2024-06-03 17:15:26 Number of comments:

Protests erupt over Japan's move to release wastewater from damaged nuclear power plant into Pacific Ocean

South Korean protesters take to the streets of Seoul on Saturday after Japan's move to discharge wastewater from the damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant into the sea. LEE JIN-MAN/AP

"Japan, I am angry!" "Keep our Pacific nuclear-free!"

On Aug 25, hundreds of Fijians marched on the streets of their capital Suva, raising their voices strongly against Japan's dumping of nuclear-contaminated wastewater into the Pacific Ocean.

The protesters, led by Fijian NGO Coalition on Human Rights, called for international action to halt Tokyo's move and to protect the ocean and future generations.